These monologues and speeches are very popular for auditions.
To land and play roles, the language needs to be invented and coloured with thought.
Online monologue coaching
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Ideas. (11:32)
Female Role Play Length
How happy some o’er other some can be Helena A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:52)
She was a Votaress of my order Titania A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:10)
These are the forgeries of jealousy Titania A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (2:10)
The quality of mercy is not strained Portia The Merchant of Venice PDF (1:12)
Farewell. God knows when we shall meet again. Juliet Romeo and Juliet PDF (3:53)
Did my father strike gentleman… Goneril King Lear PDF (1:28)
You’ve ungently, Brutus, stole from my bed. Portia Julius Caesar PDF (3:47)
I left no ring with her. What means this lady? Viola Twelfth Night PDF (2:01)
Nay, I would I were so anger’d Julia Two Gentlemen of Verona PDF (2:39)
Sir, spare your threats Hermione The Winter’s Tale PDF (2:05)
And why, I pray you? Rosiland As You Like It PDF (1:51)
My Mistress with a monster is in love Puck A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:54)
Take heed, the Queen come not within his sight Puck A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:55)
When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer Bottom A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (2:21)
What a rogue and peasant slave am I Hamlet Hamlet PDF (3:36)
To be or not to be Hamlet Hamlet PDF (2:32)
Speak the speech, I pray thee Hamlet Hamlet’s advice to the players PDF (2:10)
To be thus is nothing but to be safely thus. Macbeth Macbeth PDF (1:36)
If it were done when tis done Macbeth Macbeth PDF (1:33)
My former speeches have but hit your thoughts Lennox Macbeth PDF (1:59)
Thou nature art my goddess Edmund King Lear PDF (1:53)
These late eclipses in the sun and moon Gloucester King Lear PDF (1:19)
This is the excellent foppery of the world Edmund, King Lear PDF (1:20)
I heard myself proclaimed Edgar King Lear PDF (1:34)
Now, entertain conjecture of a time 4th Chorus Henry V PDF (2:41)
Upon the King Henry V Henry V PDF (3:32)
St. Crispian’s Day speech Henry V Henry V PDF (2:50)
Friends, Romans, countrymen Marc Antony Julius Caesar PDF (2:24)
I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus Cassius Julius Caesar PDF (2:32)
To bait fish withal Shylock The Merchant of Venice PDF (1:33)
The seven ages of man Jaques As You Like It PDF (2:26)
Marry, sir, she’s the kitchen wench Dromio Two Gentlemen of Verona PDF (2:31)
I do much wonder that one man… Benedick Much Ado About Nothing PDF (1:56)
Aye, Edward will use women honourably. Gloucester Henry Vl, Part 3 PDF (4:41)
My Liege, I did deny no prisoners. Hotspur Henry IV, Part 1 PDF (2:13)
Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes… Prospero The Tempest PDF (2:12)
Speaking verse (2:04)
Blocking monologues PDF (1:29)
A Mirror up to Nature - a show about Shakespeare and Elizabethan London. PDF (46:08)