These monologues and speeches are very popular for auditions.
To land and play roles, the language should be invented and coloured with thought.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Ideas. (11:32)
Female Role Play Length
How happy some o’er other some can be Helena A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:52)
She was a Votaress of my order Titania A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:10)
These are the forgeries of jealousy Titania A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (2:10)
The quality of mercy is not strained Portia The Merchant of Venice PDF (1:12)
Farewell. God knows when we shall meet again. Juliet Romeo and Juliet PDF (3:53)
Did my father strike gentleman Goneril King Lear PDF (1:28)
You’ve ungently, Brutus, stole from my bed. Portia Julius Caesar PDF (3:47)
I left no ring with her. What means this lady? Viola Twelfth Night PDF (2:01)
Nay, I would I were so anger’d Julia Two Gentlemen of Verona PDF (2:39)
Sir, spare your threats Hermione The Winter’s Tale PDF (2:05)
And why, I pray you? Rosiland As You Like It PDF (1:51)
My Mistress with a monster is in love Puck A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:54)
Take heed, the Queen come not within his sight Puck A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (1:55)
When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer Bottom A Midsummer Night’s Dream PDF (2:21)
What a rogue and peasant slave am I Hamlet Hamlet PDF (3:36)
To be or not to be Hamlet Hamlet PDF (2:32)
Speak the speech, I pray thee Hamlet Hamlet’s advice to the players PDF (2:10)
To be thus is nothing but to be safely thus. Macbeth Macbeth PDF (1:36)
If it were done when tis done Macbeth Macbeth PDF (1:33)
My former speeches have but hit your thoughts Lennox Macbeth PDF (1:59)
Thou nature art my goddess Edmund King Lear PDF (1:53)
These late eclipses in the sun and moon Gloucester King Lear PDF (1:19)
This is the excellent foppery of the world Edmund, King Lear PDF (1:20)
I heard myself proclaimed Edgar King Lear PDF (1:34)
Now, entertain conjecture of a time 4th Chorus Henry V PDF (2:41)
Upon the King Henry V Henry V PDF (3:32)
St. Crispian’s Day speech Henry V Henry V PDF (2:50)
Friends, Romans, countrymen Marc Antony Julius Caesar PDF (2:24)
I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus Cassius Julius Caesar PDF (2:32)
To bait fish withal Shylock The Merchant of Venice PDF (1:33)
The seven ages of man Jaques As You Like It PDF (2:26)
Marry, sir, she’s the kitchen wench Dromio Two Gentlemen of Verona PDF (2:31)
I do much wonder that one man… Benedick Much Ado About Nothing PDF (1:56)
Aye, Edward will use women honourably. Gloucester Henry Vl, Part 3 PDF (4:41)
My Liege, I did deny no prisoners. Hotspur Henry IV, Part 1 PDF (2:13)
Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes… Prospero The Tempest PDF (2:12)
Playing Shakespeare Out Loud (2:22)
Speaking verse (2:04)
Blocking monologues PDF (1:29)
A Mirror up to Nature - a show about Shakespeare and Elizabethan London. PDF (46:08)
